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Configure Apache SSL and Subversion in Debian in 683 seconds

December 2 2007 : posted under svn apache

Shamelessly copied from:

Configure Apache SSL and Subversion in Debian in 683 seconds

This just saved me lots of time and I want to keep a copy for later - just in case…

Mar 26 2005

(The apache2+SSL part was taken from the article Debian, Apache2 and SSL by Ian Miller)

Debian Sarge comes with an apache2 package. I thought I’d give this a go to get it working with a self signed SSL certificate. However, I had little idea of what I was doing. Eventually I worked it out - and it’s easy:

* Login or su as root
  • Run:

apt-get install apache2

* Run the script


and tell it what it wants to know.

* Make a copy of ‘/etc/apache2/sites-available/default’ - call it something like ’ssl’
  • Make a sym-link to this new site configuration from /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ You will see this is already for ‘default’.

    * Add a

Listen 443

to /etc/apache2/ports.conf

  • Edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/ssl (or whatever you called your new ssl site’s config) and change port 80 in the name of the site to 443. Also change the virtual host setting. Add the lines “SSLEngine On”, “SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.pem” and “LoadModule ssl_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/”. My config file reads:

NameVirtualHost *:443

LoadModule ssl_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ SSLEngine On SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.pem

* Restart apache2

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

* HTTPS should work.

Try: https://hostname/

* Now, let’s start with subversion.

apt-get install libapache2-svn subversion subversion-tools

* Create a repository.

cd /home mkdir svn chown www-data svn su www-data -c “svnadmin create svn/src”

* If you let your users run as www-data they will be able to write to your repository!

* Become root again and add the following lines our apache configuration (ssl), inside of the VirtualHost declaration.

DAV svn SVNPath /home/svn/src

AuthType Basic

AuthName “My Subversion Repository” AuthUserFile /home/svn/.dav_svn.passwd Require valid-user

* Use this instead of “Require valid-user” if you don’t want to use passwords for read-only access

Require valid-user

* Let’s add some users.

su www-data -c “htpasswd2 -c -m /home/svn/.dav_svn.passwd galactus”

* Add another user (don’t use -c or it will recreate the file)

su www-data -c “htpasswd2 -m /home/svn/.dav_svn.passwd ceruno” su www-data -c “htpasswd2 -m /home/svn/.dav_svn.passwd n”

* Test the repository
  1. Using your browser. Load https://hostname/svn/src/ in your browser. Replace hostname with your host name or ip. You will get something like:

Revision 0: / Powered by Subversion version 1.1.3 (r12730).

  1. From the command line:

svn –username n import checkers https://localhost/svn/src -m “initial import” Authentication realm: My Subversion Repository Password for ‘n’: Adding checkers/trunk Adding checkers/trunk/ Adding checkers/site Adding checkers/branches Adding checkers/tags

Committed revision 1.

* Load from the browser again.

Revision 1: /

  • branches/

  • site/

  • tags/

  • trunk/ Powered by Subversion version 1.1.3 (r12730).

    * And that’s all so far.