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Programmatic Block Creation in Drupal

February 3 2010 : posted under drupal

To remove static blocks and replace with as custom block.

Implement hook_block specifying the default visibility and so on

$blocks['random'] = array(
      'info' => t('Random'),
      'weight' => 0,
      'status' => 1,
      'region' => 'sidebar',
      'pages'  => 'offers',
      'visibility' => 0, // all pages except
      'cache' => BLOCK_CACHE_PER_PAGE,


Create an update hook that deletes the old blocks and boxes (I’ve specified the ID as I know they won’t change on my site).


function mymodule_update_6101(){

	$items = array();
	$items[] = update_sql('DELETE FROM {boxes} WHERE bid in (2, 12,13)');
	$items[] = update_sql("DELETE FROM {blocks} WHERE module = 'block' AND delta in (2, 12, 13)");

// Update the 'blocks' DB table with the blocks currently exported by modules.
// It's a "private" function called when you visit
// the admin/build/block/list/ page
// calling it here causes the rehash which you otherwise have to visit the page to get

// clear the cache
	return $items;


When you run update.php your shiny new blocks should then be immediately available with no manual steps required.

This makes it so much easier to test your upgrades.