Device eth0 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization.
I had a centos VM that I hadn’t used in a while, I think I cloned it from another version.
When I came to use it again I had no network andtrying to start the network I got the error message in the title.
There seem to be a few issues
Firstly networking isn’t enabled by default
Secondly the cloned image appears to get a different mac address for the network card, but the config doesn’t auto detect this
Thirdly the new machine seemed to have eth1 instead of eth0
and finally I needed to enable dhcp
What this meant was copying the new mac address from the virtualbox network settings tab (inserting a colon every second charecter to match the format required)
I placed this in both
Where I also set
Finally /etc/init.d/networking restart
got my network up