Monitor filesystem for deletions
On a project I’m working on at the moment we have a problem, files are going missing.
We don’t know which part of the system could be trashing these files (user uploaded images in this case) and they are on a shared filesystem so there are plenty of places to point fingers.
I’ve discovered a very handy toolset inotify-tools Which hooks into the Linux kernel and allows you to monitor actions like file deletion.
I my case all I need to do right now is monitor the files on each sytem that has access - and I’m hoping to catch which one does the delete
# stop monitoring for deletes through the build
[ -f ~/ ] && kill $(cat ~/
git pull
# if the tool is installed - monitor file delets
which inotifywait &&
nohup inotifywait -mr --timefmt '%d/%m/%y %H:%M' --format '%T %w %f %e' -e delete /var/www/sites/default/files/ &> ~/build-${JOB_NAME}-$(BUILD_NUMBER)-delete.log &
echo $! > ~/
This should create a log of any user files that get deleted between builds