Puppet - apache virtualhost Docroot provided by rpm
This has been annoying to work out.
The puppet apache module will by default create the document root for a virtualhost if it is not already defined. But since I wanted the documentroot to be managed by a custom RPM I don’t have a reference to the actual directory in puppet.
It seems the thing to do is to create file named after the document root - but with an alternate path property. This way puppet/apache knows not to create the documentroot, and the one I make in puppet doesn’t then get in the way of the RPM one.
apache::vhost { 'www.vagrant':
priority => '10',
port => '80',
docroot => "/var/www/html/foo",
docroot_owner => 'root',
docroot_group => 'root',
override => 'All',
require => Package['foo'],
file {'/var/www/html/foo':
path => "/usr/share/doc/foo",
content => "Puppet needs a file with an object name of teh docroot defined, this is that dummy file, the real docroot is defined in an rpm\n ",
owner => root,