Technical information on this site may be out of date : no updates since 2015

Install Drupal Modules Programatically

May 14, 2010 , posted under drupal

In order to make releases repeatable, to be able to test updates and share work will colleagues it is really useful to install new modules (and disable old ones) in update hooks.

This way one just has to update the code, then run update.php and you have the latest version of the site.

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Drupal Module for CKAN Integration

February 24, 2010 , posted under drupal ckan

Here’s a basic Drupal Module that pulls CKAN data into Drupal.

It provides a simple search interface - when the user views a CKAN package for the first time a corresponding node is created.

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Accessing CKAN data from PHP

February 23, 2010 , posted under php drupal ckan open data

I’ve been working on a couple of open data projects recently - which has been very rewarding.

A couple of people have asked for some code so I’ve knocked up a quick version of the sort of thing I’ve been working on.

This code requires PHP 5.1 for the JSON functions but doesn’t need any extra libraries (pecl_http can give better error messages but is a bit of a pain to install).

The Notes field in packages returns output in Markdown format - you can convert this to HTMl with a parser available at

This isn’t production code so please test before using.

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